Myspace Bubbles Note Generator

Sunday, September 18, 2011

selamat hari lahir NOR ASIMAH BT MOHD GHAZALI

epy bezday 2 me,,,epy bezday 2 me,,,epy bezday epy bezday,,,epy bezday 2 me,,,huhuhuhuu
ucp sendri,,,ye la xdk owg nk ucpkan,,,,
juz yg thu shja yg ucp,,,yg xmek thu xucp la,,,huhuhuhu....

16 SEP 2011
12.52.01 AM
I sent u a bear 2 say halo...2 company u wen u r study,,,,2 cheer u wen u r sad,,,,2 be with u wen u r needed,,,hope u r hepi!!gud nite,,,HAPPY BIRTHDAY :)

7.o9.00 AM
happy birthday...hahahahahaha

10.08.56 AM
sometimes Allah breaks our spirit to save our soul,,sometimes Allah breaks our heart to make us whole,,,sometimes Allah allows pain so we can be stronger.sometimes Allah sends us failure so we can be humble,,sometimes Allah allows illness so we can take better care of ourselves,,sometimes Allah takes everything away from us so we can learn the value of everthing he gave us. make plans but understand that we live by Allah's grace. hepi besday myfrenz!!gdluck 4 exm,,,

sempena 16sept ni,,aku take advantage untk ucp selamt hari malysia and hepi besday to u,,,wt parti besau2 ka???hahahahaha

kak aci,,hepi blated bday,,,mmuah2,,,

wslm kak ac,,thank u sngt2 atas ucpan yg dberikan,,,hehehe,,,skima ayat,,jap2,,,happy bezday kak ac!yang ke 18?eh saloh! yang ke 19 da,,tue dh kak ac...smga pnjng umo n dmrhkan rezki..qis akan doakan kejyaan kak ac,,,4 flat!!sori wish lmbt,, saje,niat nk jd org yg last wish. biar kak ac ingt smpai bile2,,,hrp2 kak ac x ingt qis,,, qis ni byk karenh,kak ac lyan je...
nanti qis rndu dga suare kak ac hak manje g2,,,hehe,kak ac comey!!! harap kak ac sokong kptsan qis nie,sbb qis tau qis buatb  kptsn bdoh tnpe pk msk2,,,tp qis nk cpai cite2 qis...sedih nie!! huhu...
kak u,,,jgn nakal2 ye kak ac,,,syg kak ac...kak ac kakak qis smoai bile2,,trime kaseh.ayat kak ac 2 buat qis trhasu sgt2,,tq!!

epy bezday awk,,,smga pnjng umor n d murhkan rezki,,,mga pershbtan or hubgan kita brpnjngan,,nty sye bg adiah kt awk yew,,,okeh!!!!!!


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